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Test Carte de la semaine

  • Octobre Rose
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  <li><h6 class="font_6">Octobre Rose</h6></li>

[ fruité ~ acidulé ~ floral ]

Vodka Grey Goose ~ Hypocras à la rose ~ infusion à la groseille ~ Bissap d'hibiscus ~ Purée de framboise ~ Citron vert ~ Blanc d'oeuf

<ul class="font_6">
  <li><h6 class="font_6">Octobre Rose</h6></li>
  • Octobre Rose
<ul class="font_6">
  <li><h6 class="font_6">Octobre Rose</h6></li>

[ sec ~ sucré ~ épicé ]

Vodka Grey Goose ~ Hypocras à la rose ~ infusion à la groseille ~ Bissap d'hibiscus ~ Purée de framboise ~ Citron vert ~ Blanc d'œuf

<ul class="font_6">
  <li><h6 class="font_6">Octobre Rose</h6></li>
  • Gadget review: release of new Airy Pods
<ul class="font_6">
  <li><h6 class="font_6">Gadget review: release of new Airy Pods</h6></li>

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<ul class="font_6">
  <li><h6 class="font_6">Gadget review: release of new Airy Pods</h6></li>
  • Best smart wearables of 2023
<ul class="font_6">
  <li><h6 class="font_6">Best smart wearables of 2023</h6></li>

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<ul class="font_6">
  <li><h6 class="font_6">Best smart wearables of 2023</h6></li>
  • How technology can help curb attention disorders
<ul class="font_6">
  <li><h6 class="font_6">How technology can help curb attention disorders</h6></li>

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<ul class="font_6">
  <li><h6 class="font_6">How technology can help curb attention disorders</h6></li>
  • Entering a new era of IoT
<ul class="font_6">
  <li><h6 class="font_6">Entering a new era of IoT</h6></li>

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<ul class="font_6">
  <li><h6 class="font_6">Entering a new era of IoT</h6></li>
  • Long-term benefits of clean energy sources
<ul class="font_6">
  <li><h6 class="font_6">Long-term benefits of clean energy sources</h6></li>

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<ul class="font_6">
  <li><h6 class="font_6">Long-term benefits of clean energy sources</h6></li>
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